Welcome to SWILnation!!

Get your assez ready to ROCK!

911 is a JOKE in YO town

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Version 3.0 ONLINE!

Thank you for checking out this page. Remnants of the last version of the website, version 2.0, is still accessible to the public as part of our extended, current website. The programming for the old website was so old…not everything warranted replication to the new website.

The SWIL PROPOGANDA MACHINE has moved on to the new website system, with Archives for 2018 and 2019 still available under the umbrella of the older website.

Items that have moved to new website:

~Friends of SWIL page
~SWIL SHOW calendar page
~BAND MEMBER information pages
~Much, much, more!

Its quite entertaining…actually.


The rest of this webpage is the original content from this link…have a SWIL day………………..

Well - what do you know? Here we are - The SHOW OF the CENTURY is almost HERE!

Collaboratively all of the bands are concurrently releasing a statement, or maybe it is a
WARNING, anyone with fragile health or corresponding heart issues is encouraged to hear about the show from your friends whom are obviously going to this show rather then put yourself at risk. Besides having MrSamson interrupt his emotional guitar solos…or Rich's thunderous bass lines, or even Jason's blood curdling vocal whispers - to perform mouth-to-mouth CPR is not only tacky but unrecommended.


SWIL webmaster from the pit of PROPOGANDA

The above picture is of our SWIL propoganda minister. We locked him in basement room as pictured with a pile of blow and the directive to release more Propoganda. He is straight up OG ass you can see and he did not disappoint!

This show is going to be off the chains.

NO…I'm phucking serious.


SWIL webmaster = THUG LYF

I guess there is a line already forming outside the club for entry this Saturday…


Also - this Saturday to save costs we are going to a use a bracelet system. This will allow us to make sure no one is trying to sneak in through the smoker's section


It washes off in the shower bro…

My good friend Jason Boltz (singer for Goats on Belmont band playing after us) said that he picked up a whole new wardrobe for their show and set…and sent me this mirror shot via cellular phone text messaging. I put a link to J-Dawg's Facebook page if you click on this picture he recently sent me to give him positive feedback on the new L@@K…



Also some of our legions of fans have been getting some deth threats. We received some horrifying examples via the public access, free email at booking@swilnation.com.

I tell you what…and I can confidently speak on behalf of all bands in involved, if you bring that crappy, bully attitude to the show we do not call 911 due to delays…


We don't bother

Oh - what you are going to call 911?


U don't bother

The only emergency public services that are going to be called on March 3rd will be the fire marshal…because the small club that O'Malleys ultimately is is beyond fire code capacity!

J-dawg and I have planned this down to minute detail. Once fire code capacity is met - we plan to go 'Facebook Live' and pipe in the chaos as angry GOB and SWIL fans turn from crowd to mob.

Then we are going to call the fire marshal and let him earn his big bucks and give the mob the bad, bad news…


Your not getting in to club…sorry, shitters full!

ALSO—>If we had a dollar for every time we got this question:

What time does your band go on?

OK: The answer is literally 9:00—>9:15. I am personally set on 9:15 myself but there are lots of variables. However, here is the deal - plan on coming to see 3 really good rock and roll bands. Yes, I can confidently say this, IMO anyway.

A couple of weeks ago I
myself, the Fern-a-nater, and J-Dawg went to a show at O'Malleys ourselves to support local music and friends in other bands. It was a really great time and a great atmosphere - but not a big space however I realized. I have no idea how I am going to get my guitar speakers all in there…


Can you hear me, is this thing on?!

At any rate we…would love, love to see folks come out to support this show. GOB and SWIL have been in tireless communications and drinking competitions to make this show a reality. Please come and enjoy our (mostly) original music from 3 great bands.

We really appreciate your support and thank you for empowering the lokal-yokal muzik seen.

03MAR18 SHOW flyer

Come and rock with us!



We hope to see you at O'Malleys Saturday!

~ Thanks again for your support ~
