Welcome to SWILnation!!

Get your assez ready to ROCK!

To be, or not to be, PROPOGANDA!

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Version 3.0 ONLINE!

Thank you for checking out this page. Remnants of the last version of the website, version 2.0, is still accessible to the public as part of our extended, current website. The programming for the old website was so old…not everything warranted replication to the new website.

The SWIL PROPOGANDA MACHINE has moved on to the new website system, with Archives for 2018 and 2019 still available under the umbrella of the older website.

Items that have moved to new website:

~Friends of SWIL page
~SWIL SHOW calendar page
~BAND MEMBER information pages
~Much, much, more!

Its quite entertaining…actually.


The rest of this webpage is the original content from this link…have a SWIL day………………..

Exclusive NEWS…………….

photo from O'Malley's rock-and-roll extravaganza Saturday night. What a great time!

I am putting together something very, very special with a goal early next week to release many, many videos and pictures from this amazing show with our friends last Saturday.

But to wet your appetite here is an exclusive picture of the new
Goats on Belmont lead singer with Saturday night debut! Quite an emotional new direction for the band but I can dig it!


"Monica keeps a rollin - all night long YA!"

The SWIL/GOB/Tiger Touch show WAS AWESOME.

Thank you everyone that bought me free beers and supported SWIL for my birthday party. We had a great time. Everyone in SWIL had a great time.

I even got to hang out with
my poor-choices sidekick…thanks for the birthday cupcakes Bert!


Ernie and Bert 1969


Bert and Ernie 2018

I/we are farming media to put something fun from the show online within the
SWIL propoganda machine. Like I said earlier my goal is early next week to release something on the propoganda machine but we shall see.


Also enjoy some amazing tunes and good times among friends.

Thanks again seriously for your support and the positive feedback at the club.

ALL the bands appreciated this

HHmmmmm - no SWIL show this weekend. In fact nothing on the calendar for a month -

What to do - What to do?

Well - here is what you can do:

SWIL this Friday to support our Super-HOMIES Izzy Devine & Marc Harris at the Eastside Bar and Grill on 82nd on 09MAR18.






SWIL hopes to see you & you can join us this Friday to support our friends The Redeemers and the other bands this Friday, March 9th!

Other Bands:
Farm Animals

Another great live music show brought to you by
BESTbet Live Music Entertainment!

I also added The Redeemers to
SWIL's Friends Page!

Drama is as drama does - I regret getting involved in this.


SWIL leads by example. Although this show is over - follow these links to check out these bands and support if you can -

Chemical Rage
Bleed the Stone (some Pierce county bandits I noticed on Facebook, Phuck yes!)

These bands are probably to be considered heavier then SWIL tunes but you might like that so check them out. No one has a right to tell you not to like these bands unless you just don't. That's your business.

** I would also put a link up to Mr. Crenshaw's show below (assuming he is referring to one if his in the past I guessing) but I don't know what band he is in but I would. **

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What a dumbass I am - I like the eighties for guitar music. It's really only in the last year or two I stopped listening to Van Halen every day. The 12-step program is finally working and I am listening to a lot of new music - which you have to if you band is trying to work with other bands and you are trying to put together shows that are copasetic to each other or at least adhere's to a theme.

I actually get excited like a school-kid talking to other musicians on the scene, they share with me their musical interests and influences and after being locked in a closet for years and finally feeling comfortable coming out now I am listening to a lot more variety of music then I had with me on hand in the closet. I now want to attain
Axecrack's CD #1 after seeing them live and becoming aware that the CD even existed after talking to my super-homie Jayson Raines last Saturday where he was supporting our show in return. {Hmmm - maybe Mr. Crenshaw is on to something here…)

I may have to steal some kid's bike locally and $ell it to get the CD - but I want that CD now damit.

10-years ago
SWIL's online presence was best described as 'A$$hole-ish' - mocking this, making fun of that band, etc.

We even cancelled shows because we were 'hung over.' - but we kept drinking like true rockstars…talk about stupid…anyway…….

I personally guarantee that
myself and Orion Bailey learned from that experience & are behaving much, much more differently now. There are also times where we as a band process and reflect on how we want to treat others, how we can make everything spin for a positive, and promote - promote - PROMOTE!!!

BASICALLY give this town a propoganda enema. That is what I plan to do again. That is why I built this machine of propoganda…the enema from within.

At any rate - my trigger here was the perception of attacking (probably incorrect perception) directed at another band's propoganda. That's really it.

I love propoganda - in fact I have been diagnosed as adDICKted to propoganda and seeking professional help was advised but
phuck that I love the high!!

I realize I didn't quite apologize on FAKEBOOK - however ass a rock$tar in my own mind this is ass close ass I can get.

~ Thanks ~
