Welcome to SWILnation!!

Get your assez ready to ROCK!

Eyez Wide Shut in Portland, Oregon

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Version 3.0 ONLINE!

Thank you for checking out this page. Remnants of the last version of the website, version 2.0, is still accessible to the public as part of our extended, current website. The programming for the old website was so old…not everything warranted replication to the new website.

The SWIL PROPOGANDA MACHINE has moved on to the new website system, with Archives for 2018 and 2019 still available under the umbrella of the older website.

Items that have moved to new website:

~Friends of SWIL page
~SWIL SHOW calendar page
~BAND MEMBER information pages
~Much, much, more!

Its quite entertaining…actually.


The rest of this webpage is the original content from this link…have a SWIL day………………..

MORE reality TV brought to you by SWIL and Eyes Wide Shut Promotionz, also in collaboration with Right Hand Blindness Promotionz PRESENTZ:

No more winning chronicles

When I first got off the boat here in the Clark County/Multnoma County area from
Montana - I lived in downtown Vancouver.

Hough neighborhood is somewhat interesting in that socio-economic status lines are in places drawn block by block, with irregular lines.

Some areas of Hough mirror the
revitalized downtown, purchased houses recently scrubbed and painted by flippers looking to CA$H in on someone's else's misfortune and/or foreclosure, or just purchased an older house in tough condition.

Some areas, however, house the economic less-fortunate.

This leads me to something I discovered on one of my walks when I lived in this neighborhood over 10 years ago:

The Vancouver Sharehouse

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WOW - have things changed at the Sharehouse and the 4-block vicinity around the Sharehouse. Very sad to see.

I interviewed several
homosapiens in their tents and I was unable to find anyone tired of winning in the new, strong economy. Thankfully places like the Sharehouse can be a beacon of hope for these people where they can at least count on a fresh meal.

Anyway - INDEED things have changed at the share house since I first discovered it on a walk in 2001. The changes are
not positive.

The share house provides homeless resources such as consistent hot meals, showers and possibly hygiene laundry services, etc.

As you can see on the handy-dandy map features provided by
SWIL on this website, the Sharehouse is tucked away on the edge of the Port of Vancouver waterfront industrial area. If you look at the big picture - folks are not going to discover this place unless by accident because there is no through street really to anywhere. You cannot get down to the waterfront from here because there is no access.

Really the only reason to go to these blocks would be the few businesses tucked away in the area…or you owned a nearby residence. Oh boy does that sound fun…thank you residents in this area for taking one for the team! I also noticed in the video below that many residences in this area of filming are actually boarded up.

So - on my walk in 2001 when I discovered the
Sharehouse - there were a few tents (5-7 maybe) and a number of people milling around. The numbers in the area at the time would fluctuate based on the timeframes meals were served.

WOW - things have certainly changed. I honestly was blown away.

I was downtown dealing with real estate legal paperwork in light of the pending sale of my house. I had some extra time and curiosity so I went and checked out the old stomping ground and decided to drive-by the

I was very sad to see this…what it has become. You will see fights, possible drug deals, people living in desperation in tents and/or vehicles, and vehicles meandering slowly through tentopolis in this video.

I wonder if what you/we/me are witnessing in this investigative video is 'drive through' drug purchases. I hope not…but WOW!



** 1080 HD viewing available if selected by YOU the viewer!!


Sharehouse is consistently looking for volunteers, and there is a section of the website dedicated to volunteer recruitment efforts:

Become a volunteer at the Sharehouse - let SWIL facilitate an action plan relevant to your altruistic goals!

Ass I was going 5 miles per hour - I noticed two female Vancouver City employees handing out official flyers. I stopped the 1980 Chevy Shortbed pickup from the movie Mad Max and requested a form. I thanked them for a copy of the form and asked them to point me in the right direction as I was looking for a camping spot for myself. They looked at each other puzzled and pointed out on the form, in the middle of tent-o-la-polis, that camping was
NOT allowed in the City of Vancouver.


Here is the form:


Lots of words

VMC = Vancouver Municipal Code

So VMC 8.22.010 (Unlawful camping)…lets take a look at this.

VMC Chapter 8:
Public Peace and Safety

VMC 8.22.010
VMC Chapter 8; Section 22:

Soooo….now there is a better understanding as to what law the City of Vancouver is using to effectively 'kick these people out of their current location.'

Here are links to the two municipal codes cited in the 27JUN18 flyer I received on 28JUN18:

VMC Section 8.22.040 (Unlawful Camping)


VMC Section 8.22.050 (Unlawful storage of personal property in public places)

Anywho - if you break municipal codes consistently - there are typically penalties. Here are the penalties articulated for 'Camping' violations in the City of Vancouver:

VMC Section 8.22.060 (Penalty for Violations)

Well - my original goal for doing this was to look for other Municipal Codes the city could cite to validate the clean-up actions. I am here to report I could not find anything that would directly address the elephant in the room - homelessness.

Honestly the way city officials are behaving they should add this municipal code to the handout:

VMC Section 8.20.010 (Nuisance Defined)

(I actually think, what is cognitively in the driver's seat for officials that put together 'clean-up day' and this corresponding form,
this nuisance code IS the handout itself)


Is this still common sense when your housing experience is horrifically uncommon?

~ Anyone have any camping plans this summer?
